Week 14: LatinX Youth and the Criminal Justice Military Complex, Part II
To Read:
(Require BC EZ-Proxy login)
- Muñiz, Ana. 2015. “Maintaining Racial Boundaries: Criminalization, Neighborhood Context, and the Origins of Gang Injunctions.” Pp. 33-55 in Police, Power, and the Production of Racial Boundaries. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. (23 pages).
- Muñiz, Ana. 2015. “The Chaos of Upstanding Citizens: Disorderly Community Partners and Broken Windows Policing.” Pp. 56-76 in Police, Power, and the Production of Racial Boundaries. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. (21 pages).
To Listen:
Vox Conversations (Podcast). 2020. “A former prosecutor’s prison abolition”
To Watch:
- Echo Park Gang Injunction
Week 15: Crim-migration Law & The Legacy and Culture of Resistance
To Read:
(Password Protected Readings from Prof Aja’s Libguide)
- Garcia Hernandez, Cesar Cuautemoc. 2012. “Creating Crimmigration.”. Brigham Young University Law Review 17: 1457–1516.
- Rios, Victor. 2005. “From Knucklehead to Revolutionary: Urban Youth Culture and Social Transformation.” Online Journal of Urban Youth Culture 3(1). (32 pages).
- Walsh, James P. 2013. “From Border Control to Border Care: The Political and Ethical Potential for Surveillance.” In Governing Immigration Through Crime. Edited by Julie A. Dowling and Jonathan Xavier Inda. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Johnson, Kevin R. 2009. “Ten Guiding Principles for Truly Comprehensive Immigration Reform: A Blueprint.” The Wayne Law Review 55(4).
- Hernández, D., Beatriz Marquez Aldana, Isabel Anadon, and John Eason (2020, May 20). “The Hotspots in Hiding: COVID-19 and Immigrant Detention.” Medium.com.
To Watch:
- America’s Deported Veterans: La Frontera
Week 16: The Question of Reform, Defunding and Abolition
To Read:
- Langarica, Monika. 2015. ‘We Never Even Saw the Sunlight:’ How DHS Uses Deportations to Undermine Sentencing Reform. Latino Rebels.
- Wilson Gilmore, Ruth. The Case for Abolition.
- Kaba, Mariame. “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police,” New York Times, June 6th, 2012.
Finals Week
Assignment: Final Research Papers Due